Set in an English seaside town in the early 1980s, Empire of Light is a powerful and poignant story about human connection and the magic of cinema from Academy Award® winning director Sam Mendes. Empire of Light features a stellar cast led by Academy Award winner Olivia Colman (The Favourite, The Lost Daughter), BAFTA winner Micheal Ward (Blue Story, Top Boy) and Academy Award winner Colin Firth (The King’s Speech, A Single Man). It also reunites Mendes with Academy Award winning cinematographer Roger Deakins (1917, Skyfall).
…it’s a heartwarming reminder of the joy, comfort and necessity of the big screen experience. London Evening Standard
A treasure worthy of its own magnificently-crumbling Art Deco Screens 1 and 2. Screen International
Film is truth at 24 frames per second; reality is a fist to the face. Toronto Star